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Airbus A3XX Pro series not working


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Hi all, Since Aerosoft is unwilling to help in anyway with this, I have attempted to open a community chat in Microsoft forum.

Please see if you can contribute anything to this in anyway.



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Nice to see someone trying something! I must say that it sucks to see some of the attitudes displayed here in the comment sections, since e.g. Orbx does not display the Windows 10 requirement for the A330 but rather just states Windows compatibility... Aka I do not think its far fetched to then have some expectations of windows 11 compatibility

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  • Deputy Sheriffs
vor 2 Stunden schrieb Blasb:

Orbx does not display the Windows 10 requirement for the A330 but rather just states Windows compatibility...

Then you should blame Orbx for not posting the correct system requirements.

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Dear Aerosoft,


I have been using the above in combination with P3D5.4 and Windows 11 Pro, however, ever since applying Microsoft's latest update, I am constantly experiencing CTD's.

Other products such as the PDMG series aircraft and QualityWings B787 function properly till now.


Users on AVSIM are complaining similarly.


It would be appreciated if Aerosoft can follow-up the issue with Microsoft. 


Thank you / regards,

Herman Auer

Ps. Have performed numerous re-installations with the same result. Definitely an issue involving Microsoft!

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  • Deputy Sheriffs

Herman, there are tons of reports on the web about problems with all kind of software after the Windows 11 24H2 update. And it is extremly unlikely that Microsoft will do anything to solve this, especially when the effected software (in this case P3D and the Airbus) has been written some time ago. Additionally the A3xx series is a closed project and it is also very unlilely that Aerosoft will provide any kind of fix, if posible at all. And what about the next major Windows Update?

Currently I am aware of only 2 solutions:
1. rollback to the Windows version prior to 24H2

2. If you use Windows Defender, check if your file/folder exclusions are still active. Seems as if the Windows update has wiped out those exclusions (some users on the web reported this).

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It might also be something that affected P3DV5 rather than the Airbus software, and that is what is causing the CTD.  Posting the CTD details in the Lockheed P3DV5 forum might lead to a solution.


Best wishes.


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On 12/30/2024 at 3:11 AM, Sandy-Bridge said:

I also opened a support ticket #36524 for this issue. I received a reply stating that the issue has been forwarded to the project team.

Thanks for that. I have tried to respond back to Microsoft, but I am not sure where to even began with?


I wish I knew what the issue could be, so that I could provide Microsoft with some kind of direction where to look at.

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Even so, I am 99% sure the project is closed for Aerosoft so a possible solution will have to be provided by Lockheed or Microsoft.


The simple fact remains that the project was NOT created for Windows 11, was never tested on Windows 11, and was not sold as Windows 11 compatible. 

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Thank you for this post as I thought I was losing my mind.


Currently experiencing the same issues: A318-330 will not load. I am able to select the aircraft, P3DV5 goes through the loading screen and once complete CTD.


Operating P3DV5

Airbus versions:



330 Pro v5:


While I understand P3D add-ons are no longer being developed by Aerosoft, would it not be in everyone's best interest to keep products updated to be compatible with operating systems? 

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3 hours ago, brian86 said:



Thank you for this post as I thought I was losing my mind.


Currently experiencing the same issues: A318-330 will not load. I am able to select the aircraft, P3DV5 goes through the loading screen and once complete CTD.


Operating P3DV5

Airbus versions:



330 Pro v5:


While I understand P3D add-ons are no longer being developed by Aerosoft, would it not be in everyone's best interest to keep products updated to be compatible with operating systems? 


The issue is not with the add-on but with the simulator/os combination.  I am not with Aerosoft anymore, but as I said, these projects are closed and will most likely never be looked at again. Due to many rights, they will also not ever be copyright free.

Best just to accept things as they are.  Just use it with the OS it was designed for.

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Thank you for your reply. My apologies if what I posted was interpreted as removing any copyright, as that was not my intention nor direction I was going.


If you're unfamiliar after a certain amount of time it is near impossible to revert to a previous version of an operating system without resulting in a complete removal of everything. 


My spouse updated our OS while I was on a business trip with these ramifications being unknown. Upon return I was past the 10 day grace period of reverting back to previous version.

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Just FYSA for those who may not know Aerosoft Airbus products are NOT compatible with windows 11. It's recommended to not update to windows 11 if you desire to utilize aerosoft products.


Be advised it is unknown what security risks you run remaining on windows 10.

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  • Administrator

Sorry for the radio silence on this folks - Things have been a bit chaotic with the launch of 2024 and the holiday period. I've merged a couple of these threads together to create one main mega thread for simplicity.


Support is currently looking into this issue to see if we can discover a workaround, but given the nature of the issue, and as to whether it's due to P3D and a Windows update, or the Airbus series and the Windows update, it's going to take a bit of time to see if we can find one. As mentioned in the thread several times already, the P3D Airbus series hasn't been under development for a number of years now, so no official patch is likely. That said, if we do discover a user appliable fix, we'll make sure to provide steps for it. Given this issue, and unless something changes on Microsoft's end, the P3D airbus series will not receive any indication it will run on Windows 11. As for the ORBX store page, I'll ask the relevant team if they can get in touch with them to be more specific of the OS requirements on the store page.


We'll update you here once we have an update.



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3 hours ago, Tom said:

We'll update you here once we have an update.



Finally, an efficient and responsible announcement from Aerosoft's support team.
This should comfort the many remaining users of the  A3XX Pro series, 
whose flight and navigation models have nothing to envy from other attractive simulators.

Many thanks

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It is definitely a Microsoft 24H2 update issue... have rolled back to Windows 11 Pro 23H2 (entirely new re-installation). 

Found a link on YT as how to prevent the latest 24H2 from installing.

Link: https://youtu.be/nEjkPacrJ00?si=9dZsN0cn8VNSTK6A

It has solved the CTD issue in my case. I can now operate my Airbus Pro series as previous.

Microsoft certainly know how to frustrate folks!

Cheers - Herman

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/23/2024 at 4:35 AM, Sandy-Bridge said:


Recently I have had trouble using the Aerosoft A320 series on P3D, because as soon as I load the sim, it shuts down, as if it had crashed. However, there is no application crash log recorded in Event Viewer. The sim loads all the scenery and goes through the normal loading process, and for about 30 seconds I can see the cockpit with blank screens and the engine sound playing on loop. However I cannot interact with anything and the sim shuts down shortly. This happens on any A320 variant at every airport. I'm using Prepar3D v5.4 on Windows 11 build 26100. My graphics drivers are up to date. I have tried completely uninstalling the A320 variants and deleting C:\P3Dv5 Addons and also Aerosoft folder from My Documents. I have also tried uninstalling the Visual C++ redistributables and letting the installer reinstall them. The issue occurs whether or not RAAS is installed. What other steps I can take, are there any logs that I could forward?

Hi Sandy! How Are You?  I've managed to get a fix for it.

I basically joined the Windows Insider program so I could have access to the dev version. In this case I'm using build 27774, and apparently they fixed the XML error, but there is no forecast for it to become Stable.

I hope this fix your issue.

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That is great to hear! I will await updating to 24H2 until the new functional build is rolled out officially but this is awesome to hear! 

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Thanks so much for this. Unfortunately, I have not had much luck with Microsoft on my end.


On 1/21/2025 at 5:01 AM, Tulermangiu said:

Hi Sandy! How Are You?  I've managed to get a fix for it.

I basically joined the Windows Insider program so I could have access to the dev version. In this case I'm using build 27774, and apparently they fixed the XML error, but there is no forecast for it to become Stable.

I hope this fix your issue.


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On 1/20/2025 at 6:01 PM, Tulermangiu said:

Hi Sandy! How Are You?  I've managed to get a fix for it.

I basically joined the Windows Insider program so I could have access to the dev version. In this case I'm using build 27774, and apparently they fixed the XML error, but there is no forecast for it to become Stable.

I hope this fix your issue.


So, exactly what are you supposed to do?

Thanks in advance.

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On 1/31/2025 at 5:59 PM, Markito said:


So, exactly what are you supposed to do?

Thanks in advance.

Hi Markito! Join the Windows Insider Program to get the Development builds automatically.

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Hi Markito! Join the Windows Insider Program to get the Development builds automatically.

Thank you very much, Tulermangiu! I tried that, but Windows seemed to be complcated regarding that matter. I did a new reinstall and I will pause my updates keeping my OS on the 23H2 version.



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