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PFPX v2.03 - hanging when Validating Plan

Ray Proudfoot
Go to solution Solved by srcooke,

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This morning I downloaded and installed the latest Rad Restrictions file kindly provided by Sharky.


But when planning a flight the process is hanging when Validate Flight is selected. I know Esc will stop the process but it doesn't release the flight.


Has anyone else had this problem and is there a fix other than using the previous cycle?

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Later... Active Sky runs on my P3D computer and is currently turned off so no access to weather for PFPX.


Running PFPX on my laptop I'm now able to complete the process. It looks like there was something in Wx that PFPX didn't like.


I'll continue to test on Wednesday and report back.

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The vaidation should not be used Ray, remote validation by other than approved sources was disabled at the request of Eurocontrol a number of years back. v2.04 disables the automatic validation but my preference is to remain on v2.03.


There was a server issue yesterday that may have affected PFPX use, resolved yesterday evening.

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Hi Stephen. Validation is part of the process to complete the planning process.


If you say there was a server issue yesterday that probably explains the problem. I’m out today it will try tomorrow. Thanks.

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1 hour ago, Ray Proudfoot said:

Hi Stephen. Validation is part of the process to complete the planning process.


I assume you understand why using a real-world aviation resource that specifically asked not to be used for hobby purposes is not a brilliant idea? It would not be the first organization that would block access for us totally as a result of things like this.


Mathijs Kok


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1 hour ago, Mathijs Kok said:

that specifically asked not to be used for hobby purposes


Right but at the time remote Eurocontrol access for CFMU validation was permitted.


The function was removed WHEN requested.


Whilst v2.03 of PFPX will automatically attempt to connect it will fail as the link is no longer valid, this function was removed in v2.04.



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On 11/5/2024 at 9:51 AM, Mathijs Kok said:


I assume you understand why using a real-world aviation resource that specifically asked not to be used for hobby purposes is not a brilliant idea? It would not be the first organization that would block access for us totally as a result of things like this.


Mathijs Kok



Given PFPX was made available for home users I fail to understand your point. The software has performed flawlessly for years. Monday's glitch was just that, a glitch as Stephen suggested. Planning a flight this morning with AS running and all is well.

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