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Aerosoft Airport Milan Malpensa

William Lennox

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18 hours ago, Lorenzo Giacobbo said:

Hello everyone,

after seeing the trailer i saw some errors in the scenery. Before diving down into them i would like to give some background about me.

I live near Malpensa and i photograph at that airport since 2009 so i saw the evolution of the airport in all those years plus, i have the opportunity to be able to organize airside spotting sessions thanks to SEA (Malpensa airport authority) so i have a first hand point of view.

After seeing the trailer i felt that there might were some errors and after a closer look here's what i found.

Firstly i want to start with the parking positions present in the scenery.
Malpensa is divided in three macro areas:

  • Terminal 2 only used by EasyJet
  • Terminal 1 Sub divided in SAT A (only Schengen) Sat B and Sat C (Only Extra Schengen)
  • Cargo city 1 and cargo city 2

Attached you can find the three macro areas directly provided by the free online consulting tool provided by ENAV Italy

By looking at the video i saw that there were so many wrong airplanes parked in the following area

  • From stand 300 to stand 320 (which are used primarily by private jets and, rarely by private A320 or 738) 
  • Stand 351 to 357 are used only by single aisle aircrafts
  • stand 391 to 394 are used only by wide body aircrafts
  • stand 330-331-332-333 are used only by private single aisle (they are the closest to SEA Prime facility)
  • stand 335-336 are a long term parking for the Lufthansa maintenance facility
  • stand 334 is a mixed use stand for both medium and wide body aircraft same as the two above this one

Regarding Sat C

  • Stand 495 is reserved only for A380 (there was a Cathay 77W parked there)

Speaking of Sat C it's missing a whole bridge section that goes from the upper floor to the finger attachment point for stand 499 and 495. On top of that Satellite there's the Emirates business lounge which have the peculiarity to have two boarding point reserved only for business and first passenger and it's connected directly to the upper level of the A380 via a separate bridge and finger.
In this scenery those bridges are missing completely.


Moving on

  • All the parking from 451 to 764 (Remote areas in front of Terminal 1 and Cargo city 1) are exclusive use of aircraft up to Cat C (A32x or 737)
  • 621 to 625 can be used up to CAT D but primarily are used by 737 or 320 (CAT C)

    Other that those issues pointed above regarding the parking spots, i saw that the Calvert lights are placed at the end of the displaced threshold of Runway 35L which is incorrect in real life, they stop at 135m before the displaced threshold.

    Regarding the scenery, apart from the low resolution texture (but it might be a limitation from the trailer) i saw that there were some bus (Malpensa Shuttle Bus) airside at Terminal 2 and one at Terminal 1 under the tower
    Those bus are used only to connect Malpensa with other airports like Linate, Bergamo or Turin.

    The railings on the access road to the terminal is missing and there were some cargo ULD stationed on taxiway Kilo in front of Cargo city 1 (they should be in between the painted road which is the limit for the stand area)

    Lastly the control tower doesn't have anymore the "flat" radar dome but it was changed in november 2021 with a new rounded one (i can provide some photos of it)

    About all the landside details i'm not that preoccupied because we will use the airport, obviously, in the airside area but... as i pointed out, it seems like that it was used as a template the parking layout in operation until 2014 more or less.

    I hope this message will not be seen as an open attack but as an open critique to try and take this scenery in line with what Malpensa is right now.

    Thanks for your patience.

    Kind Regards



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AERODROME PARKING DOCKING CHART _T2 - ICAO.pdf 131.45 kB · 1 download AIRCRAFT PARKING DOCKING CHART _T1 SOUTH - ICAO.pdf 143.79 kB · 2 downloads AIRCRAFT PARKING DOCKING CHART _T1 NORTH - ICAO.pdf 175.81 kB · 1 download


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16 hours ago, Abriael said:


Keep in mind that there's no way to limit stands to aircraft larger of a certain size. 


IE: you can make stands available only for smaller aircraft by limiting the radius of the ramp, or make it available only for specific airlines, or only to a specific type (ga, airliner, cargo, military), but you cannot make stands available for instance only to widebodies, or only to A380s. 


8 hours ago, ageva said:


Thanks for the report but as @Abriaelnote, it is hard to achieve such a result in MSFS. I'm writing down everything you suggested and we'll try our best to improve with version 1.0.1
Your feedback is much appreciated! 





Thanks for the insight, i had a feeling that it was difficult to achieve such result. but, maybe there is a workaround as you said it's possible to restrict the use of certain spots to certain airlines.

For example, as i wrote, 495 and 499 (plus 595,599 and 699) are the only A380 capable parking spots and only Emirates is operating the airplane at Malpensa. That can be a way to limit the use of those stands.

For the others, the first thing to do is to change the parking map to align it to today configuration
After that it can be done the same thing as the A380 spots but using the wingspan limitation as you said.

I really appreciated the interest in looking into the feedback i gave. Thanks :) 

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It's a really nice airport. I've been unloading my 777F just now. Even the cargo area, which is normally not very detailed, is good.



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Mathijs Kok


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Just purchased the scenery today


Here to report the following:


- As already noted by other users, The Emirates lounge bridge connecting lower jetways section is missing at T1 satellite C area;

- Turbigo power plant missing night illumination and dedicated anti collision lights on top of towers;

- Always about night scenario, steady obstacle red light points should be added on top of terminal 1 rooftops, main control tower and rotating radars;

- in comparison to Terminal 1, Terminal 2 area is missing some detailing especially around landside and parking areas;

- All edge blue taxiway lights should be disabled/removed from most of the taxiways, as not present in the real life airport.


In the near future, i will try creating a custom sdk project enhancing/fixing some of the stuff i just mentioned above with a few additional corrections here and there in mind.


In any case, good job so far; looking forward to  next scenery updates.

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On 11/30/2024 at 5:35 PM, Giorgio Mangili said:

In the near future, i will try creating a custom sdk project enhancing/fixing some of the stuff i just mentioned above with a few additional corrections here and there in mind.

You've already given up on further official development of this product? 🤔 

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Looks like T2 is a bit neglected in this scenery...some of the things I have noticed are:


- Misplaced part of terminal in front of stand 115 (see picture)

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- Mismatched stand numbers between the taxiway and the parking positions (example: on the taxiway there's 113 for parking 114)
- Completely missing stand numbers and light masts in the T2 remote area (stands 2xx) 


The T2 is an important part of the airport for EZY/EJU operations, I hope this could be rectified with an update


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On 11/30/2024 at 5:35 PM, Giorgio Mangili said:



- in comparison to Terminal 1, Terminal 2 area is missing some detailing especially around landside and parking areas;

- All edge blue taxiway lights should be disabled/removed from most of the taxiways, as not present in the real life airport.



To be honest, even the Malpensa Professional version for P3Dv4 was better in representing the terminal 2, especially for the mast lights (that are missing now) and for the ground markings


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Some screenshot I add the Parking numbers that was forgotten

as for ms2024 there is  learning curve for the SDK so I'm not sure  if it will be ready in the first update


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4 hours ago, David Rosenfeld said:

Hi Giorgio 
I must be sure on that !!!


im a local living close to milan malpensa; based on all of my plane spotting sessions i can definetely confirm you the edge blue taxiway lights are not present at LIMC. I can link you several youtube references and also personal spotting pics in case you need further evidence. 



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11 hours ago, Giorgio Mangili said:

im a local living close to milan malpensa; based on all of my plane spotting sessions i can definetely confirm you the edge blue taxiway lights are not present at LIMC. I can link you several youtube references and also personal spotting pics in case you need further evidence. 


So the edge blue taxiway lights goes away ;)




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