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Aerosoft Airport: Frankfurt (released)

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I dont know what to say. Its finally happening!!!!
Weeks and months of bothering devs to finally step on Frankfurt and now even the info that Jo is the head of the scenery! Thats simply amazing and very well needed.
INSTANT BUY! I can't wait and many many thanks for the announcement!

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Missing EDDF is  a big hole in the European MSFS world....can't wait to fly to the scenery with the A330 and hopefully also with the PMDG 777!

Hopefully the performance will be flyable but EDDK and EBBR are just good enough on my system so I'll hope for the best!

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I do not want to sweep under the table the fact that it is NOT a port, but is developed from scratch. Many thanks to all involved. Please take the time to develop the BEST version of Frankfurt while keeping the FPS in the best possible range (difficult, I know). MANY THANKS!

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Mathijs, you have made me and many people very, very happy today ... thank you!! 

Not only is the long-awaited MegaAirport Frankfurt finally coming to MSFS, but it is being done by Aerosoft with Jo as the director ... this is like hearing that my favorite children's book is finally being filmed and Steven Spielberg is directing it! 😊


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Very glad to see aerosoft is building EDDF! Question: Will the Terminal 3 be implemented as under construction, like it is right now, or finished with use of computer renderings and 3D animations?

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vor 10 Stunden schrieb Raphael Jakob:

We plan to build it in the finished state (plans can always change). we work with Fraport and are getting a lot of information from them. should there be a deviation after completion, we will of cause update it.

Ouh, so we get a look in the future here. Let's hope that Aerosoft is capable of release their EDDF befor the real T3 will be opened by Fraport :D *fingers crossed*

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Very good news!! And the best is the info that Jo Erlend is one of the directors of the project, and of course that this will be a new build. I was never convinced of the FSX and P3d versions of EDDF. But Jo Erlend's sceneries (at least the ones I've bought) have been among the best sceneries Aerosoft ever had to offer so far, in my opinion.

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