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Odd turn after takeoff A330


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So, I have flown 2 flights in the latest A330 the last couple of days ( and had this oddity where after takeoff, and engaging the autopilot causes the airplane to want to make a hard turn to one side (right yesterday, left today) and "rejoin" the flightplan, even though the first waypoint is directly ahead.  I've been flying the Airbus Professional for quite some time and never had this happen until this version.  Anyone have an idea what's going on?  I tried to solve it using the DIR function and selecting the next waypoint again, but this make it even more odd because it shows I need to do a 90 degree turn to the right/left and then re-join the flightplan at a 30 degree angle to the straight line.


I also checked and the IRS's are aligned on GPS and there's no offset, so I'm not sure what's going on.

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Now new oddity.  So after the wierd turn yesterday, going on HDG, and then getting back on course manually, things worked fine.  Today, the airplane apparently thinks I'm 180 degrees off, but here's where it's odd - the Navigation displays all show the correct heading.  So why does the FMS think I'm 180 degrees off but everything else thinks I'm heading the right direction?

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