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EDDB questions (lighting + VDGS)


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First of all, awesome job! It is a real pleasure to finally have this scenery for MSFS. The details are on spot and the overall look & feel is awesome.

It seems like the devs had performance in mind. Kudos to that.


I have two questions:

- Does anyone else has those light spheres on Apron B? I highly doubt this was intentional (please note both attached screenshots).

It seems the spheres disappear when shifting the viewing angle, not the light emitted though.


- I guess VDGS has not been implemented, even though it is technically possible, but most probably due to still existing limitations by the SDK?
If so, will this functionality be added in the future?



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  • Deputy Sheriffs

Re: Your second question. From the product page - "Functional Safegates (VDGS) will be integrated as soon as there is a reliable technical solution by the MSFS SDK"


On your first question, random floating lights have been a sim bug for quite some time. Much conversation on them at the Orbx site. I don't remember if they were declared fixed or not by Asobo/MS. I still have one more flight to do tonight in the CRJ, then I'll take a look at BER, but I don't doubt what you're seeing.

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  • Deputy Sheriffs
6 hours ago, a2h said:

- Does anyone else has those light spheres on Apron B? I highly doubt this was intentional (please note both attached screenshots).

It seems the spheres disappear when shifting the viewing angle, not the light emitted though.


From the manual:


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6 hours ago, a2h said:

- I guess VDGS has not been implemented, even though it is technically possible, but most probably due to still existing limitations by the SDK?
If so, will this functionality be added in the future?


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  • Verified Developer

Because we believe this topic has been answered we have closed it. If you have any more questions feel free to open a new topic.

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