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If you want to report an issue and expect feedback from Aerosoft directly, then please use official section on the forum (see link below)


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Housekeeping note for our growing CRJ Community members


If you want to report a CRJ related issue that needs Aerosoft’s attention then please create a post here: https://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/forum/1025-aerosoft-crj/. That is the official way to report defects which need to be responded to and/or fixed by Aerosoft. If you don't necessarily want feedback from Aerosoft themselves but from many other simmers and streamers, then by all means, please use the section where you are currently on: The CRJ Community ‘Club’ (you can recognize that you're on the Club section when you see the a right navigation starting with 'Overview').

Even though this Club section is located on the Aerosoft website, it is completely managed by volunteers who have no formal relation with Aerosoft at all. Here's the deal... after a dialog with Aerosoft folks prior to the launch of the CRJ, we decided to not start this community on Discord which was the original plan. Reason was simple… we want Aerosoft folks to be part of this community, something that would not happen if we would have gone off and setup a Discord server. So yes, you will see Aerosoft folks chime in and contribute to this Club section but just don’t expect ‘formal’ support.

On a final note, you might have noticed that there is some overlap between the official Aerosoft forum and the Club section (e.g. liveries, videos etc.). Over time we will figure out what needs to be posted on the formal Aerosoft section and what should go in the community managed Club section. Have patience with us in the meantime. Btw, if you feel called to help us figure all this stuff out, then please send me a direct message. We have some fun plans in mind for the community, so keep checking in here!




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