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Bratislava M.R.Stefanik Airport - LZIB, Slovakia для P3DV4+ and V5

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Попрад отправился на тестирование, и я запустил новый проект, о котором я уже говорил не раз, это аэропорт Братиславы имени Милана Стефаника , который родился в 1880 году, словацкий, провел часть своей жизни во Франции, где он служил как генерал французской армии. Во Франции окончил летную школу, увлекался астрономией. С 1918 года министр обороны Чехословакии.


Вернуться в аэропорт. Аэропорт Братислава-Иванка имеет две взлетно-посадочные полосы длиной до 3 км., Более сорока парковочных мест. Отличный аэропорт и красивый.

Собственно, концепция создания сценария уже разработана. Наземные полигоны, текстуры созданы. Все в работе :)Аэрофотоснимки также будут заказаны по сценарию. Работы много, но интересно:)

Параллельно с созданием аэропорта Братиславы создается сценарий «Лиепайский аэропорт» Латвия - EVLA . Чуть позже возьму это в отдельную ветку. Оба аэропорта планируется выпустить до Рождества этого года:)


Несколько фото, некоторые из которых мне особенно понравились.


P.S. author of photographs Michal Hergott, Peter Pokorny, website planes.cz and jetphotos.net


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There is really a lot of work ahead. Bratislava Airport does not look like Poprad Airport or even Kosice. First of all, I was struck by its size :)
The work is very interesting and every day I see how the coating of the runway, taxiways, markings are getting better and better :)



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Hello everyone!
I would like to talk a little about the work and show some screenshots.
At this stage, the marking of the airport apron is created. Marking of runways, taxiways already made.
Marking the apron will take several more days.
Further, the runway, taxiways, apron will be covered with mud, tire tracks are applied, etc.
Upon completion of the listed works, it will be possible to proceed with the creation of buildings. Apparently I'll start with the passenger terminal and the tower control :)



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Weekends passed unnoticed :)
Perhaps two or three more days and work with the airport marking will be completed.



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The main tools for creating markings are: pencil, ruler and patience :)
It turns out not bad in my opinion.
Of course, the work is just beginning, but I hope the Bratislava airport will turn out pretty interesting :)


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I definitely want to make a Bratislavský hrad and several bridges across the Danube.
Bratislavský hrad stands on a hill, a large castle, it will be clearly visible and I think the castle will be a good addition to the scenery. The Danube is magnificent; bridges should also look good from the air.



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Hello Pavel,

thanks for answer. I’m asking, because like in case of Kosice, I use old addon scenery of Kosice City,and your Kosice scenery includes some parts of the city and it would be nice to have option in configurator to turn in off. Bratislava city also has old addon scenery, so maybe as an idea to add option to configurator to turn off city features.


with best regards



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Good morning.
I will bear this in mind that nuance and think in advance about the scenery structure.
I also want to consult with you on some points and when I prepare questions I will write a message in your personal profile.

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Perhaps I finished the markup. The apron and adjacent taxiways took 10 days to work. In general, all markings, including two runways and main taxiways - two weeks.

In the simulator I will show when some changes are ready, as always happens :) in the spring of this year at some parking lots the markings were changed. I want to make the final coating already: edit the texture of concrete slabs, make maps, put cracks, dirt, etc. I think it will take two to three weeks.

So far, a couple of photos. Photo source official website Letisko Bratislava



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There is some small news.
Poprad returned from testing. There are some shortcomings that testers have noticed and that I plan to correct over the course of a week.
In Bratislava, I finished work with runways 31-13. In my opinion it does not look bad :)



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Work on the design of parking and apron is almost over. It is also necessary to make a transport zone for cars, several turns on taxiways.
At the end of this stage, I will start working on the Liepaja ELVA Airport.
In Liepaja, work should move much faster, since the airport is much smaller.

A few screenshots from Bratislava.



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Today is my screenshot day :)
Bratislava and edited cover.
Practice shows that I do editing throughout the entire work on the project, so maybe something else will change.
Now I will proceed with the markup changes. This year, some stands and the marking of 5 parking lots have changed. These changes will take no more than two days. Photos of the new marking, my friends from Bratislava sent me. Upon completion of the markup editing, can move on.



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  • 3 weeks later...

The screenshots show the new markup, of course this is only a part of what can be seen in the screenshots. Some parking lots changed the markings completely, some changed the inscriptions on the stands and added new ones. If not for my friends from Slovakia, I would not have had information about the new marking in full. For which I am grateful to them.

Apron and taxiway lighting is also already in the simulator. Lighting works the same as in previous projects, depending on weather conditions, but is no longer connected via SODE.


Now a little about the plans. Work on Bratislava will be a priority and I will not switch to another project, namely Liepaja, until the completion of work in Bratislava. Why is that. Bratislava, this is a big project with a lot of work. In November, I think I will be in time, I will give Bratislava for testing. In the process of work, Bratislava will also be tested. When Bratislava is getting ready for the release, I will take care of Liepaja. To prepare Liepaja, I will need from strength to two months. Therefore, both airports will leave practically together.


Briefly about the plans for 2021. I will contact our developers from Ukraine and if no one is involved in Kiev the next project on which I want to work is the airport of the capital of Ukraine "Kiev" UKKK.
Also one of the airports of the Czech Republic, I will not talk about it yet, and perhaps the airport of Riga "EVRA", again if no one is working at the Riga airport. If they work on these airports, I will "stay" in the Czech Republic.


But I definitely look into Slovakia :)



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ALS Run22 CAT 1. It remains to light the light



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In this section, it remains to highlight the taxiway center line on the apron and the exit from the taxiway to runway 13. Edit a few points of the markings on the apron.
After that I will deal with the lighting of runway 31-13. ALS runway 31 is pretty interesting. Lighting poles run across a small water channel and bridge. Apparently I will make a water canal, a bridge and only then the ALS pillars taking into account their height, bridge height, angle of inclination, etc.

In addition, on RWY 31 there are touchdown zone lights, runway center center lights. Quite an interesting job





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I was asked if there would be a city.
I have not given an exact answer.
Now I can say with confidence that the city will be. I will order aerial taking into account the whole city park. The buildings around the airport will be made in accordance with the original buildings. There will definitely be a Bratislava castle, main bridges, possibly a stadium. I also want to see what high-rise buildings there are in Bratislava and make them.


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Sure. I plan to implement my work, which I have already done and am doing, in MFS2020.
We need to wait for the 2020 release, get acquainted with its capabilities for creating scenery.
For me, working on projects for P3D and 2020 will be a priority, this is definitely.

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Basically, I'm finishing the lighting. Maybe not everything worked out the way I wanted, but overall I'm happy with both the range and the SFL. It remains to make an axial green light from the taxiway to the platform, but that will be tomorrow.

In part, I have already installed trees from lane 31, PAPI. It is necessary to make a locator, ILS DME, Anemometer, a fire station in front of the apron, masts on the apron, and it will be possible to start construction of the passenger terminal and hangars in the second half of August.

Video shows SFL and runway lighting 31.


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Several screenshots of LZIB lighting in P3DV5



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