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What does "check baro reference captain" mean?

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  • Deputy Sheriffs

There seems to be something wrong in your installation or your handling as there is no BARO CHECK after landing. Can you reproduce this issue at every time after landing?




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  • Deputy Sheriffs

Then I suggest you do a new clean installation and afterwards make the tutorialflight as stated in the documentation. If something is then not working please tell us exactly at which stage it happens and what is not working as required.....

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I have had this before , make sure you set the correct QNH for the airport and in the Approach page if these are different it may trigger the check baro reference captain call .....sometimes the QNH for the Airport can change over time so if you just set the QNH with out also updating the Approach Page you could run into that issue.

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With Check Baro Reference is not meant "QNH", but the decision height for the demolition of the landing.
This is called before the Descent with the "Descent Preparation Checklist".
Enter the values first
Call MCDU --- Next phase until APPR page, then left QNH, enter temp and wind.
Right then stands for
- Baro only without ILS and CAT I approaches, enter the decision height according to CHARTS in bold.
- Radio only CATII + CATIII (about 50 to 200 feet) Enter approaches according to charts.
But this is called only as already mentioned before the Descent.
I think that's it then.
CFG874 Bernd



Mit Check Baro Reference ist nicht "  QNH " gemeint,  sondern die Entscheidungshöhe für den Abbruch der Landung.
Dies wird aufgerufen vor dem Descent mit der  " Descent Preparation Checklist".
Vorher Eingeben der werte 
MCDU aufrufen   ---    Next Phase bis APPR-Seite, dann links QNH,Temp und Wind eingeben.
Rechts steht dann für 
-- Baro nur ohne ILS und CAT I Anflüge die Entscheidungshöhe laut CHARTS Fettgedruckt eingeben.
-- Radio nur CATII +CATIII (( ca. 50 bis 200 feet ) Anflüge laut  Charts eingeben.
Das wird aber nur wie schon gesagt vor dem Descent aufgerufen.
Ich denke das wars dann.
CFG874 Bernd 


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I believe this is a 'out of sequence' trigger problem for the AI Baro settings: if your transition altitude is 10.000 feet (as in Austria) and you set your cruising altitude below at 9.000 feet (doing a short 'go around' at LOWG for example) the initial trigger for setting Baro to STD will not be there, but after initiating descent the second one (STD to actual ) is there... so after landing the AI FO will repeat the message "set baro reference..." several times.


And if transition altitude is the same as the cruising alt (for example FL100 in Austria) in addition the sequence for the cabin signs gets disturbed and you may end up with the cabin signs 'toggling' forever... I know this is an 'artificial' situation, I just searched for an answer to the OPs question.


Tested with 4.5 HF1 and AS on all models.



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  • Deputy Sheriffs

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