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so many bugs (or are they really bugs?)


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I like the plane but very difficult to use because there are many bugs

1) engine shuts off when outside are cool and raining weather (i use AS16 live weather - raining and some -2¤C)

2) some instruments shuts off when outside are cool and raining weather (flaps reading indicator,communicator and so on, so on, although the switches still remain in "ON")

3) airspeed indicator very often does not work

Before these errors appear it's all temperature readings in panel OK and here it doesn`t help settings cowl g´flaps and carburator heating.  Usually the aircraft can fly normally  in warm weather conditions but  this plane should be to fly very tough weather conditions as  the Russians used them in the polar regions (-40¤C). but now you can`t use this plane in  european soft winter.


If these errors appear, then nothing else will help, when you need to load in simulator some default airplane (Maule) and then again An2.

4) when load saved flights situation with AN2, then loads the plane with errors, you need again overload with default airplane.

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  • Aerosoft
1 hour ago, eke said:


outside 0¤C- -2¤C and raining - it's gonna be icing conditions.

Do I have to do something special to fly with icing conditions?


Well I would for sure activate the Carb Heater and Pitot Heat if you fly in icing conditions otherwise your engine could stop and a lot of instruments that depend on the pressure measured by the pitot will fail. 

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I've even switched on Pitot Heat and Carb Heater but not Carb heater level to "Open". Now i did it and indeed - everything is fine  with AS cold and raining weather.

Thank you for help and sorry!

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