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No steering on ground


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  • Deputy Sheriffs
7 minutes ago, airservices said:

Is there a tail wheel lock that I may have missed ?


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7 minutes ago, airservices said:

Installed into P3DV4.1 all working fine

The only problem I have is no steering on the ground

Is there a tail wheel lock that I may have missed ?

Do you use brakes during taxiing?

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14 minutes ago, Mathijs Kok said:

There is no tail lock, but as this is a very big heavy taildragger that is not very long, you do need to use the differential brakes and/or rudder with a nice burst of power.


I use the lot.

It turns slowly, in keeping with its bulk.



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How much is your airpressure shown on your left hand side airpressure gauge when using the brakes. Is it ZERO? Then you forget to aktivate the airpressure system. It will be activated on left console the black handwheel. For turn  a corner sharply use the differential brake and short full power. Yesterday i spent 2 ours to awake the old lady from C&D and bring she work properly:D

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vor 20 Minuten, Mathijs Kok sagte:

.....you will need to learn how to use the systems.

Yes, but the scanned Handbook is not really helpfull to search for a special topic:excl:

AND don't forget to drain the motor from oil and move the prop by hand, otherwise you wil kill the engine:D

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2 hours ago, vPilot said:

How much is your airpressure shown on your left hand side airpressure gauge when using the brakes. Is it ZERO? Then you forget to aktivate the airpressure system. It will be activated on left console the black handwheel. For turn  a corner sharply use the differential brake and short full power. Yesterday i spent 2 ours to awake the old lady from C&D and bring she work properly:D


That was it! Works perfectly now. I knew i should have read the manual lol. But I think they should set it to open by default when not in cold and dark mode. I understand it should be closed on cold and dark. But on the Engines started state, I think it should be open, would save a lot of false bug reports like mine :D

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  • Deputy Sheriffs

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