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Big blocks of white obscure everything


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Installed CumulusX in FSX:SE.  When I try using it, large blocks of white fill everything shortly after the tow leaves the ground.  Installed it into the base FSX folder.  Some of the directory structure for SimObjects:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\SimObjects\Misc\CumulusXCloud


What am I doing wrong?





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Hi John,


weird, could you post a screenshot? Does it disappear if you deactivte CumulusX! by clicking "Disconnect" on its main panel?

Please compare the content of "CumulusXCloud" with that in the .ZIP.


best regards,


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No.  So I went to steam, did a validate, it found 701 files missing and brought them in.  Unfortunately, I have to go to work so I can't tell if that fixed it.  Perhaps I accidentally deleted a directory.  I do know of one file, the one suggested to have ".defunct" added to the end of it.  It likely brought back down the regular one (so I'll have to rename it too when I have the chance).



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