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CLimbing up water ramps is impossible!


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Hi all,


Guess this is my first post here. I am having a problem with the Amphibian version of the Twin Otter Extended. I am flying in the Aleutian scenario of Dutch Harbour X, so to use both water and land capabilities of the plane but I cannot enjoy it because when I am trying to pass the plane from the water to a beach or ramp (i.e. Unalaska Airport has one), the plane jumps out of the water as soon as the front wheels touch the ground and sometime flips upside down and of course... "CRASH". Tried with other default FSX Planes and is working fine.


Any idea on how to solve this? It really cuts the fun!



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Looks like I almost managed myself...I need to play in the contacts section of the aircraft.cfg and specifically these three lines:

9 (0.25) Static Compression This is the distance a landing gear is compressed when the empty aircraft is at rest on the ground (feet). This term defines the “strength” of the strut, where a smaller number will increase the “stiffness” of the strut.
10 (2.5) Ratio of Maximum Compression to Static Compression Ratio of the max dynamic compression available in the strut to the static value. Can be useful in coordinating the “compression” of the strut when landing.
11 (0.90) Damping Ratio This ratio describes how well the ground reaction oscillations are damped. A value of 1.0 is considered critically damped, meaning there will be little or no osciallation. A damping ratio of 0.0 is considered undamped, meaning that the oscillations will continue with a constant magnitude. Negative values result in an unstable ground handling situation, and values greater than 1.0 might also cause instabilities by being “over” damped. Typical values range from 0.6 to 0.95.


Looks like I am almost there, when I beach the plane it does a tiny jump, but then sits with all 4 wheels on the ramp and if is not too heavy I can power it up to the parking.

Still, looks like that the moment I beach the plane, I have to be very careful if I want to slide her down back on the water, because due to some weird FSX process, if I enter too fast plane crashes (something that doesn't happen if I start the flight from ground).


Still, if you have any suggestions, will be more than happy to test them!

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