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Posts posted by Emi

  1. As said before, these dates are just placeholders needed for the big discounters who otherwise refuse selling the sceneries when they're finally released. Don't believe any of them, they will never be correct.

    At this moment we can only say that it's still being worked on (obviously).

    Putting togeather the final parts does not mean that it's already been tested, etc.
    I do currently not have any inside information what is currently worked on, but I could imagine that something may have been found during beta testing that has to be corrected now, etc.

  2. Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face Table Face TableFace Table Face Table Face TableFace Table Face Table Face TableFace Table Face Table Face TableFace Table Face Table Face TableFace Table Face Table Face TableFace Table Face Table Face Table

    • Upvote 7
  3. John, you got me confused here, am I braking the copyright law by posting a link to the pictures?

    P.S. This is a legit question, so thanks for any enlightenment as I link to pictures often with the understanding that this is legal.

    No, not by posting the link itself. But if people implement the picture itself, so that it can be seen here in the forums, then they brake the copyright, yes.

  4. There is never any reply regarding those questions... The airbus profiles that are available at the moment are incomplete and incorrect.

    The Data is not incorrect. The CIs are simply not included for Airbusses (yet). Other than that I can not find errors in the Airbus plans.

    So please state exactly what is incorrect at the moment in a seperate thread here in the PFPX part of the forums so that the developer can look into it.

  5. And now, Mathijs, after you deleted another one of my posts, I'm leaving the Aerosoft forums ...

    Thanks a lot to all the nice people around here; looking forward to see you all in some other place soon!


    First, we have hidden your earlier post (as well as a few others) because it was just fueling the fire.

    Some members in that thread was throwing insults and we simply do not accept this kind of behavior.

    We accept civil discussions but that was clearly not the case(and for sure we do not want our members offending each other) and so we stopped it.

    Second, Mathijs was not the one who deleted your later post, a deputy did. (Mathijs is not around the next week or so).

    We did not mean to offend you in any way by hiding your post. I understand you are not satisfied with the moderating as there were offensive post above yours that you deemed inappropriate but were not deleted. We have now deleted those.

    You have been helpful to the Airbus (and of cause other) Forums and we appreciate that, we hope that you understand our position and hope to have you back in the forums.

  6. Hast du vielleicht mithilfe irgenteines Programmes (wie zum Beispiel dem Flusifix 2006) die Datei Default.xml deaktiviert um dadurch performance zu sparen? (Das wäre im Flusifix Option "Performance 4")

    Falls ja musst du diese wieder aktivieren, da die VFR Germany Szenerie diese Datei verwendet um seine Häuser (und auch einige Baummodelle) darzustellen.

    Das ist mir schon mehrfach passiert und hat sogar dazu geführt dass ich mal mein gesamtes Windows neu installiert habe. Solltest du ORBX Szenerie aktiv haben musst du diese im FTX Central auf off stellen, da diese auch die beschriebene Datei durch eine eigene (die natürlich nicht die Aerosoft Häuser enthält) austauscht.

  7. Auch wenn ich weder den A380, noch überhaupt X-Plane habe, hätte ich dennoch einen Lösungsvorschlag:

    Kann es sein, dass jemand von euch sein Funkgerät darauf eingestellt hat den Morsercode von VORs abzuhören? Das würde dein Morsesignal erklären. Wie man das in der A380 allerdings abstellt kann ich dir nicht sagen...

  8. Der Airportmanager des FSCommander hat damit nichts zu tun. Dieser wird nur für den FSCommander Intern benötigt und ich somit für die korrekte Darstellung einer Szenerie im Flugsimulator selbst unerheblich.

    Ich vermute mal dass bei der Installation irgentetwas falsch gelaufen ist. Installier das Programm einfach noch mal neu und schau ob es dann funktioniert.

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