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HUD Display disappears in clouds


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LOVE this add on!  I'm a former F-14A pilot and this has been a real trip. 

I haven't done exhaustive testing, but I do notice that the HUS display (flying the B with the Sparrow Hawk HUD) disappears in the clouds (IMC).  Is there a fix for this?



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Hello Bruce,

  Thank you for the compliments, means a lot.

  On the HUD disappearing in the clouds. This is sort of a (Microsoft) flight simulator thing. It's virtually impossible to create a HUD that is accurately collimated inside the VC. The only way it can really be achieved is by creating a floating plane (the mathematical kind) sitting out in front of the aircraft.

  Newer weather engines have started model fog/clouds closer and closer to the aircraft, and some can generate it so close that part of the floating plane gets obstructed. Moving the plane closer to the aircraft is an option, but it degrades the accuracy of the projected flight path. So it's a bit of a teeter-totter between visual function and accuracy.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the explanation John.  Been travelling a while.  Flew it again last night and love it.  I do fly it in the SOCAL region IFR and am going to start flying it on PilotEdge so the HUD obscuration is an issue but knowing the problem I can work around it.  I use ASN for wx.

Great product.


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  • 2 weeks later...

BTW, for anyone using legacy FSX and ASN, setting the "In cloud visibility reduction" to OFF solves this issue. The ASN default is ON for FSX and OFF for P3D.  In a one flight test, I didn't notice any degradation of the in cloud experience by turning this OFF, and the HUD stayed visible.


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